Movements of Peace Whatever Works Wellness Center & Bookstore American Tai Chi Association Official Member of World Tai Chi Day

Class Schedues



The Entry Program

Brings you into the world of Tai Chi Chuan through our unique Qigong and Neigong systems That will train you in movement, meditations and processes of physical transformation.

 As a beginner, you are only responsible for doing the gross movement in a very relaxed manner. If something hurts or you feel resistance, you default to the most comfortable way to perform the movement for your body. No pain is the gain. Now this will seem counterintuitive and you will want to force your way through to achieve the standard. Ignore those ego drives. The easier the motion, the more tissues you unwind, the more qi your cells and tissues will produce for regeneration and vitality. In time, as you practice with the video lessons, the master details will be absorbed in your subconscious and naturally move forward into your practice.


This  is a seven week program meeting once a week at the same time on the same day. The first class is 1 1/2 to 2 hours long the rest are 1 to 1 1/2 hours. These are the start dates.


January 13, Saturday 12:30 pm

February 13, Tuesday 6:30 pm

March 9, Saturday 12:30 pm

Sorry there will be no more classes until further notice due to the sale of our building.

Cost for the program is $150. To register email us through the contact form of the website.  


Program Content:

Lesson One: Relaxation is Motion

You will learn about how the body works and fails to work through the tissue communication network. You will learn how to mobilize the cells to create energy and how to circulate that energy at will. You will learn active relaxation meditation and progressive relaxation in movement.

Wiggles Warm-up

Meditation One: Progressive Relaxation

Exercise One: Holding the Ball

Lesson Two: Regenerative Movement System

You will learn the natural process of how breath and movement power the nervous system, hormonal system, the immune system, the vascular system and regenerates the brain. Then you will learn how to activate these systems through the Movements of Peace qigong form.

Meditation Two: Bone Marrow Healing

Immortal's Exercise Routine

 Lesson Three:  Opening the connective tissue pathways

Introduction to functional movement lines. This lesson teaches how to open and use the functional back and frontal lines.

Meditation Three: Expanding the Energy body

Exercise Two:  Bendovers

Exercise Three: Carry Tiger to the Mountain

 Lesson Four: Dynamic Movement

 These exercises utilize our quadrupedal abilities to move in space without muscular action.

Exercise Four: Vertical axial rowing

Exercise Five: Axial rotations

 Lesson Five: Indigenous walking.

 This lesson teaches how to walk like a human to eliminate degeneration of hips and knees by learning natural gravitational shifting.

Exercise Six: Springy Steps

Lesson Six: Balance

 Exercise seven

 Lesson Seven: Immortality

How to transform the human body through movement, sound and prayer.






Level Two Tai Chi

Level Two teaches the first Tai Chi form of the system: the sixty-movement small frame Heaven form of Yang Lushan's "Secret" system taught to the Golden Battalion of Emperor Wenzong of Qing. This form is the master and beginner's form. It takes approximately twenty-five lessons to learn the entire form. Learn More.

Cost: $80 p/month

Classes are available three times a week.


  • Wednesday @ 10:00 am
  • Thursday @ 6:30 pm
  • Friday @ 10:00 am

You may attend as many classes as you wish. Instruction is given individually according to body type and learning style, within a group setting. This instruction is currently taught with all other levels.


Levels Three & Four Tai Chi

Level Three teaches connective movements from the Heaven form. These movements can be done fast or slow and train the body how to move as a unit and defend itself. Level Four teaches continuous flow through a fast version of the Heaven form. Learn More.

Cost: $80 p/month

It takes approximately 20 sessions to complete both levels. As with all of our form levels each student learns individually within a group class enviornment.

  • Wednesday @ 9:00 am
  • Thursday @ 6:30 pm
  • Friday @ 10:00 am

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